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How to Protect Kitchen Cabinets from Humidity

Kitchen cabinets are made of wood, which is a natural material that absorbs moisture. When the cabinet swells with moisture, the joints loosen and cracks may occur. Cracks allow air to enter the cabinet, causing it to expand and contract quickly which can cause damage over time.  Protecting kitchen cabinets from humidity will keep them in good condition.

If you live in a humid climate, then you know how important it is to keep your kitchen cabinets in good condition. They are susceptible to moisture damage if not properly sealed and protected from humidity. Even though there are many ways that you can protect your kitchen cabinets from humidity. Using an air purifier or dehumidifier will make the biggest difference in keeping them looking great for years to come. Here are some ways are described to protect cabinets from humidity.

Seal the Doors

  • Use silicone caulk to seal around the doors.
  • Add a bead of silicone caulk to the bottom of each door, and smooth it out with a sponge so that it’s nice and even.

Make sure you use enough caulk so that when you close them, there is no gap between them at all. Otherwise you’ll find yourself opening them often in order to wipe off condensation from inside. This can be especially annoying if this happens during summer when humidity is high, removing moisture build-up on your kitchen cabinets. Becomes much more challenging because they feel sticky due to excess moisture trapped under their lids (which results from opening too many times). Letting these sealant dry for 24 hours will help prevent this problem by allowing them time enough before they're ready for use again.

Install a Dehumidifier in your Kitchen

Dehumidifiers are useful for removing moisture from the air. They can also be used in kitchens to reduce humidity levels, which is good for your cabinets and other woodworking tools.

Dehumidifiers are not expensive, but they may cost more than you're willing to spend on a simple kitchen appliance like an electric fan or air purifier. You'll likely see savings in the long run if you invest in one of these products. Especially if you use it regularly and follow its instructions closely.

Use a Circulating Fan

The best way to keep your kitchen cabinets from absorbing moisture is by using a circulating fan. A fan is able to move air around the room, which helps prevent condensation from forming on the wall or ceiling. There are various ways to do this:

  • Set the speed of your fan so that it blows air in a circular motion (like how wind blows). This will help remove moisture from both sides of your cabinets and prevent mold from growing inside them.
  • Direct all incoming drafts at an angle away from where you want them directed. For example, if you have windows on either side of your oven then direct all incoming drafts towards those windows rather than directly into them.

Replace Foam Gaskets on the Doors

The foam gaskets on your kitchen cabinets are a little bit like the ones on your shower door. They can trap moisture and prevent air from escaping. This leads to moldy food, mildew-like smells, and an overall musty smell in your kitchen. To keep this from happening, you'll want to replace them regularly (every year). You can do this by opening the cabinet doors and gently pulling out any of their old foam gaskets. Then use a silicone-based sealant such as silicone caulk or polyurethane caulk that's specifically designed for sealing gaps around doors. Once you've applied the sealant around each of your door edges, let it dry overnight before replacing your new foam gasket.

If you don't have access when changing out gaskets. If they're located behind doors or at the bottom corners of cabinets. Simply apply some silicone caulk along those areas instead.  It is just as effective but won't need drying time during installation.

Keep Your Kitchen Tidy and Free of Clutter

Keep your kitchen tidy. Clutter and mess can increase the risk of damage to your cabinets, so it's important to keep them clean and organized. If you don't have room in your home for a lot of clutter, consider building storage areas into the cabinets themselves. This will ensure that you never have an excuse for leaving anything out where it could be damaged by moisture or insects.

Remove clutter from around the kitchen area as well. Keeping things like utensils on hand helps prevent accidental drips onto porcelain countertops. That could potentially ruin expensive finishes on woodwork or metal surfaces (which may not be covered in your homeowner's insurance).


We hope that you've found this article helpful and are now ready to start protecting your kitchen cabinets from moisture. Remember, the most important thing is to follow the steps outlined above, so that your home will stay dry while still looking great.

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